With the success of last conference's notebooks, I decided to once again offer a FREE General Conference notebook download. This year I will not be offering printed books for sale, but would LOVE to see how you guys print and bind yours!

First off, can you believe it's that time of year again?? I am so stoked to hear the leaders of the church speak, and give guidance on what we need to know in our day. With an increasingly stressful and fast moving world, I love the ability we have to step aside twice a year, and be rejuvenated. I also love being able to write down all the impressions that come to mind as I watch, and be able to go back through and find guidance for day to day life.
What are some things that stood out to you last conference, that you loved/ stood out to you? How did you use your GC notebook last conference? Make sure to comment on my instagram post and let me know! I love hearing from all of your shining faces, and you are all wonderful examples to me.
Here's some ideas of who you can share this notebook with!
- Your primary kids/ youth in your ward or class
- Your missionary/their companion/their investigators or include it in a GC care package
- Yourself! (of course)
- Your visiting teachees
Please tag my instagram in your photos of how you're using your free printable. I'd love to see, and it helps my page! Make sure you're following me, so I can see the tagged posts :)
So here's how the files work:
Download the files HERE:
The files include an assortment of covers sized 8.5x11 and 5.5x8.5 (a paper cut in half) and the matching page inserts. I suggest printing the pages front and back (save the planet!!!) and print as many pages as you'll need. I figured the amount of talks and printing would be around 8.5x11- (19 pages) and 5.5x8,5- (10 Pages) (this is with printing front and back).
There's also a back page for the 8.5x11 books, and the back page is included on the cover for the 5.5x8.5 (just print it as a landscape on a whole page.
You can take your printed book to your local shipping or print store to have the covers laminated and the book bound. Here's a couple of ideas you can use to bind your books from home as well: